Day the Sky Trickled to the Sea

Day the Sky Trickled to the Sea
Lynn Erin - Acrylic on Canvas - 18"x14" - $800

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Starting FEAMAP

So today I started work on my new idea - FEAMAP - Fair Exchange Artist Marketing and Promotions - Putting Artists on the Map! I have a facebook page for it here:!/pages/Feamap/327352423348

Since I seem to be meeting artists all the time, I wanted to start documenting their works to help spread the word on the multitude of talent I encounter on my travels.

As of this moment I am in Canada, on the Shuswap Lake, in the B.C. interior. I have met a lot of talented people in the last year here on the North Shore of the lake. I will be bringing their work to you, my future readers!